Is it normal to only get this much breast milk?

*my baby has a tongue tie. I don’t think my insurance will cover it, as I asked them if they’d correct it. That’s why I’m pumping one side while he nurses on the other. I’d much rather have an oversupply than go through what I did with my first. :(

I’m worried baby isn’t getting enough. With my first my body couldn’t keep up with my firsts needs and I ended up having to supplement formula and breastfeed. Is something wrong with me?

I had him on Christmas.

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Looks normal for the first few days. Don’t pump. Just latch latch latch.Pumping on top of nursing isn’t recommended before 6 weeks pp.Just watch wet diapers. Plenty of wet diapers equals plenty of milk. The first week watch for 1 wet diaper per day old (day 1- 1 wet, day 2- 2 wet). After day 6, 6+ wet diapers a day equals plenty of milk.


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Latch latch latch. Do not pump just latch. Pumping is never ever an indicator of how much you make anyway. Baby is far more effective. Colostrum is all that is needed right now. Your milk will come in 3-5days after birth. You are barely over 24hrs right now, just latch baby and don’t even think about formula. Formula will only delay supply coming and and then even after can decrease it very easily. And you most likely had enough supply with your first it was just lack of knowledge and education about breastfeeding.


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It take a few days for the milk to really come in. Give it some time.


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Milk takes between 3-5 days to come in.


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Normal and pumps aren’t great at getting colostrum out because of its consistency. You might get more hand expressing if you practice, otherwise if LO is nursing at the breast that’s the most efficient. Either way colostrum will turn to mature milk in the next couple days.


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Plenty have said it but I wanted to add that pumping ruined my experience and supply with my first. With my second I only latched him for all his feeds and used a Hakka to collect from the opposite breast. Was way more successful and even had a little freezer stash in case I was out and never used a pump.


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Yes colostrum will fill him up since he has a tiny tummy. I didn’t get my milk until day 4.


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Yes your milk will come in the next few days


Ja • Dec 26, 2022
Christmas was only yesterday. Keep latching baby.


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Looks like a good amount of colostrum 👌


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That looks like colostrum. Take a baby spoon and you can spoon feed it to him a little at a time. Your milk will come in. That’s plenty until then it’s so high in calories.