Nosebleeds Pregnancy Symptom


Heyyy Ladies! I am 5dpo 6dpiui (My first <a href="">IUI</a>). In 2021 I had 2mmc and an ectopic causing removal of my right tube all within 6 months(no living children, found that I have a clotting disorder APS)🥺. Since 3 and 4dpo I’ve had these minor nosebleeds. I never get nose bleeds but if I remember correctly in my 2nd pregnancy I remember my nose doing the same thing and I got weirded out because again I don’t get nose bleeds. I know it’s very early and implantation hasn’t happened but has anyone else ever experienced nose bleeds prior to getting a BFP? It could be this winter air in North Carolina but I just wanted some input! BABY DUST TO US ALL 💕🙏🏾✨