When Do You Think Baby Will Come?


So I’m on baby #3 and am due Jan 23, I’m obese this pregnancy and docs have said I am at risk for preterm labor (next week is considered term)

obviously I know symptoms can start a few weeks before you go into labor BUT I’m wanting to know what y’all think with all the symptoms I’m experiencing at once if you think I’m really close or still have that last leg to go (I should note a lot of these symptoms I never experienced with my other two pregnancies)

-baby has dropped

-stabbing pains in my groin yesterday

-diarrhea for a few days

-peeing a LOT MORE like multiple times in a setting when this hasn’t been an issue recently

-some nausea is back occasionally

-leg cramps (not sure if related, I twice twisted my leg wrong and had bad leg cramps)

-hurts to get up after sitting for a bit