Need help

Hi Ladies,

I was diagnosed with PCOS about a month ago and am on my first cycle using 2.5g Letrozole. I went for a pelvic scan last Friday which was day 14 of my cycle and it showed 2 follicles that seemed to be growing well and my lining had thickened. My gynaecologist requested that I come back for another scan today (day 19) as I hadn’t ovulated yet. Today my scan showed no sign of the follicles, the lining was still thick and there was only a bit of free fluid on one ovary. Does this mean that I ovulated or would they have ruptured?

I had a blood test done to confirm whether I ovulated, and I’m waiting on results, but I’m just wondering if anyone has had a similar thing and knows.

Does anyone have any success stories using letrozole?