8 days late, afternoon urine. Is it positive?


I'm about 8 days late for my period according to 2 tracking apps, and my cycles pretty spot on usually. I haven't tested until now and I have no idea when I ovulated as we stopped tracking. I've had no sign of AF and have been urinating a lot more even though I'm not drinking more. I didn't have a test this morning but I got some this afternoon and couldn't wait till morning, figuring I'm 8 days late and over 20dpo at this point if I'm pregnant it might show. This is the result after 4 minutes from taking the test in stream. I know I can see something but I just don't know If it's actually a proper line. I'll be retesting in the morning but I just need another opinion, I'm In shock, we tried for years but took a break.

I also experienced 2 days of cramping on around dpo 11 and 12 which I thought was my period but it's been over a week since and still no period.