Would you be mad?

So my lovely MIL was in the backseat of the car today (behind me and husband) and I asked him if the baby was sleeping (he asked his mom since we don’t speak the same language) and she said, “no, she’s eating chips”

She was feeding my one year old with no molars CHIPS!

I was mad. I told my husband nicely, (the first time) “please tell your mom she can’t have chips”

He didn’t say anything…. He didn’t tell her anything!

I was getting mad and he knew it…. He was getting mad because I was getting mad!

When I have a problem with what his mom does, he doesn’t try to talk to her! And she thinks she can do whatever she wants with my kids because he doesn’t ever say anything to her

I’m furious. How am I suppose to have boundaries made with my kids’ if he doesn’t even tell his mom my concerns?

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