I’m going CRAZY - what do you do when your partner has 0 sex drive!?

I’m in my 20s and been with my bf 5 years & lived together for 2 years. His sex drive is so low compared to when we first met. In our first 2 years of dating we would have sex 5-7 times per week. Now, we haven’t even had sex 5 times this year… Last time was July. I’m dying lol… my sex drive never changed and now I’m getting to the point where I’m dreaming of having sex.. sometimes it’s him sometimes it’s another guy… I try to seduce him and nothing works. Our relationship is perfect, except for this.

Side note, my appearance has not changed. I look the exact same if not better. My weight is the exact same.

Is it possible to be happy in a sexless relationship forever? Because im starting to think I can’t do this forever.