religion debates.


before i get into this i want to say i respect all religions and cultures and i have nothing against the beliefs and values.

im buddhist, i was born into it and im proud of my religion, but it enrages me when people say that their religion is better and more disiplinary than mine (im part of lgbtq and i understand some religions are against that) and that im going to hell because im lgbtq, i don’t believe in hell, i believe in a new life after you have passed on, but people push their religion and beliefs onto me and it’s annoying because its not what i believe in or practice. and in school so many people have said to me “lets have a debate about religion” like why ? you believe in what you believe in, i respect that but dont force another person who isnt part of that religion to believe what you do, its frankly disrespectful.

im not putting other religions down and saying buddhism is better than other religions, im jus saying that everyone believes either believes or doesn’t believe one god or another and some people need to understand that.