Am I tripping

Hi, I’ve been with my current boyfriend for some months now we are planning to get married. I know he’s bought me a ring already but sometimes I feel like he fusses for no reason I get that we’re kind of struggling to pay bills, but not really so I told him today that maybe I should stay home and catch up on laundry while he goes out of work, and he completely flipped. He started yelling at me saying that I need to be with him to help work. (we own a business.) he also told me that all the times that I’m at home I should be cleaning the house.  When we were together we don’t get home  until late sometimes as late as 10 PM or maybe six but after work, I’m just as tired as he is I try to get as much as I can get done around the house but from what I’m used to is never enough  he expects me to go to work with him all day come home, clean, cook, and take care of his three children and my daughter at the same time  and also expect me to have sex with him every single night  but sometimes I feel like when I try to explain to him how I feel about everything he wants to be more dominant and never really listens so I wanted to know from someone else if I was tripping he is a few years older than me when he’s mad, he blames my age in  arguments and tells me that I’m lazy and a few other things that are not very nice that he says to me and then he blames it on him being mad or if I don’t react the way he wants. He says I don’t care, but I do care it’s just arguments are most of the time very pointless.  So  am I tripping that he wants me to work all day come home take care of his children and mine cook clean and have sex?