Spouse makes me feel worse

I haven’t had a break since baby’s been born(6 months). I’m SAHM. I’ve felt like a slave. I’m so exhausted she hardly sleeps. She exclusively breastfeeds. I’m starting to get sick and I feel drained. He asked me what was wrong and I got upset saying the house is so disgusting and I needed a break weeks ago from chores. He promised he’d help me do more. We were going to go on a mini vacation so I could get somewhat of a break but he’s bad with finances and the money didn’t line up. I’ve felt so stuck. I took the kids out all day because it’s still winter break and I wanted to do something fun for them, but today I’m so overwhelmed and exhausted. When I told him how I feel he gets all defensive and basically says I have no right to feel that way, that I’ve been slacking. He just makes me feel so much worse cuz I can’t even tell him how I feel. I’m in tears typing this.