Separation Anxiety in 15 month old


Baby girl has hit a sleep regression that I'm having a hard time with; the separation anxiety one. How do you handle it? It's always at nap or bedtime, throughout the day we don't have any issues. I'm trying to keep things short and sweet because she's always been able to fall asleep on her own and I don't want her to start being too dependent on me to fall asleep (these past few days and nights I've had to hold her until she fell asleep because she wouldn't let me put her in her crib, she'd immediately start crying and screaming), but the crying is harder to ignore this time around. I think it's because of the "momma's" and "no no no's" that follow after I leave her to sleep. 😭 I've very rarely had an issue with putting her down to bed ever, she's always been good at falling asleep on her own, but this separation anxiety came out of nowhere, and it's very new for me. I'm a first time mom too, so this is my first rodeo, so any advice or encouraging words would be wonderful. 😅