Lots of pressure really down low

Amy • Biz owner, was a teen mom to a now 18 year old 🩷. Baby #2 was a 5 week NICU warrior born @ 34 weeks in August 2020 💙. Baby #3 born at 33+2 in June 2023, currently in NICU 🩷

8w3d with #3, I had sporadic cramping and very light brown spotting throughout weeks 5 & 6 but nothing since. I know that's all totally normal and I didn't worry about it. But today I've had this really distracting low pelvic pressure, kind of feels like my cervix is being bumped downward from above like when baby is pressing against it later in pregnancy. But since baby is the size of an olive s/he is obviously not bumping into anything. No spotting or anything, just a TON of random unexpected pressure. Anyone else get this? Round ligament maybe?