Fat overweight obese

How do you deal with people judging you on your body figure?

New year's resolution our family always says this year we are going on a diet we will lose weight I'm thirty and I've been hearing all the woman in the family say that since I've been born they make these promises to be skinny.

This year is different I don't care but as soon as it's new year's my grandmother video calls and calls my mom fat overweight and tells her to lose weight stop eating. Then my mom is having displacement anger I made this bread and the family love it gobble it up I'm cutting a slice and she says you ate all of the bread! I'm like I'm barely going to try it then there's this homemade dessert and the family ate it there was a quarter left I ate one slice and she comes at me you ate all the cake! I cooked some food and the meat when it hits the skillet it shrinks and she accused me of eating it this is food shaming! She is trying to food shame me so I don't eat and I lose weight also she was upset about what her mom said and hasn't ate food! The other day I cooked ribs and I divided them equally for each family member and she accused me of eating the majority of the food when I had less I don't know if it's because of the weight she assumed I'm just eating and eating I'm not sure but I'm insulted and hurt offended.

How do I confront her about this.

Her mom is eighty years old and I guess in her days women had to maintain their figures and wear makeup to go out fix their hair and she tells my mom to lose weight and this is the first time I've been told I'm overweight and my dad said I'm fat my grandmother without seeing me said" you tell your daughter to lose some weight too just saying as a woman it's better to look thinner than to be fat." Because out of respect and she might think she's helping she says this so we don't respond but as a teenager my mom struggles with anorexia because of the comments to be model thin and myself as a teenager I struggled with anorexia and over exercise my mom would get upset when I would go up a size in jeans.

I'm upset going into this new year's people think with a snap on new year's I'll be skinny it's takes time to lose weight and these asshole don't do anything you want me to lose weight send me a package delivery of healthy groceries to my doorstep, send me a gym membership, send at home gym equipment, send exercise stuff be positive call check in how is your health and you can check in on someone if they really want to lose weight then call and be there for them. Obesity can lead to fatty liver disease and you know being busy living a sedentary life where you mostly sit or lay down or have medicine, medical conditions, even injury and depression mental health battles and even being on a limited income not everyone can be born looking healthy that is in the Gene's and because someone is thin or skinny doesn't make them healthy high cholesterol high blood pressure it's just these judgement like why are you fat well if you care so much they are fat go exercise with them help them don't just talk go beyond the physical and get to know them.

I wanted to know how do you deal with family members fat comments fat shaming

I have had enough of it all