What could this be

My husband and I think I may have had a miscarriage. A few days ago maybe almost a week at this point, I had some cramping and weird emotions that felt like pms but I always have my period on the same days every month yet I started have brown discharge (blood) which I have never experienced except right before or after my period. This brown discharge has been light and then heavy and light again and I’ve been having to wear pads every day. It had some pinkish color at one point but it’s mainly very dark brown almost black. I also had some very sharp pains in my stomach especially at night. Also another thing was my emotions which literally feels like the most intense PMS and one day was so extreme I felt so depressed and emotional. Just tonight my husband told me to lookup symptoms of a miscarriage which I didn’t think of and it described what I have been going through.

What do y’all think?