An ‘ours’ baby

So a bit of back ground info, I have 2 kids and my other half have one, ages are 7 1/2, 2 1/2 and 1 1/2.

We have been together just over 2 years and we keep going backwards and forwards on whether to have an ours baby.

We both love the idea but as it stands at the moment we get an evening a week together when other kids are with other parents, if we had a baby we would have no child care as my family never help and his family live in Cornwall so it would be hard. I currently work part time as a mobile hairdresser which I could carry on with and my OH would have the baby.

Have any of you had an ours baby? How did it change family life?

My boys go to their dad 2 nights a week and I’m worried that I may feel guilty that they don’t get as much time with me when there are with me as I’d have a new baby to look after. I don’t want them to hate their time at mine because I’m busy.

Thanks for any advise xxxx