Undiagnosed condition

Help please. I’d like to ask if anyone at all has had something similar happen to them.

I’ve been to a bunch of Drs for over 3 years with no answer. I had been on betablockers for 6 months and it helped but no diagnosis.

I get what I like to explain as sudden episodes of what feels like my body is under attack, first I get this sudden dip in energy that I don’t know how to describe other than that it almost feels like my whole body will shut down. If I was asleep I would completely stop breathing then immediately after the lowest dip, my heart rate would spike as if its trying to fix whatever it is that was causing my system to go down.

I have noticed that the only thing that triggers it is food, not a specific type of food but eating a lot or eating heavy per day. For example today I had coffee for breakfast then some almonds and one piece of chocolate then lasagne for lunch and rice with beef for dinner and one cupcake. I know this is not much food but the lasagne especially felt really heavy and I could almost choose it as the trigger food for today. (Fun fact: I am underweight)

Doctors never diagnosed me with anything but they kept referring me to one another. I have found myself following up with a cardiologist even tho I had no heart condition and according to him I was “clinically” healthy. He put me on betablockers for a total of six months until I got a total relief from my episodes so he made me slowly stop taking them as my body seemed balanced.

6 months after stopping here I am with the same debilitating symptoms again. What should I do?!