Follow-Up Appointment Update Held today 1/3/2023


Hello Ladies,

So I’m back to give an update. Today was my appointment. After looking at and going over my records with my doctor. So basically everything looks good. My eggs that are resting are 25 the normal is at least 10 so I am good on that. My partners semen analysis morphology’s wasn’t good so, my doctor stated that it would be more of a success rate with an <a href="">IVF</a> procedure versus <a href="">IUI</a>. Also, I am working on my A1C count I was at a 10 in July and now I am at at 7.0 for I know that is still high I am working on it you all. I have stop eating pastas, bread, rice etc. I am not in a raw vegetable diet and protein. Cut a lot of sugars from my diet. So my doctor is surprised how I have been working to better my sugar. So my goal is to have my A1c at at 6.0 within a month so I will be starting this Journey by February. Prayers are up just wanted to give you all an update. Also lastly, my doctor did talk about screening for the embryo before implant but that cost 5,00 insurance does not pay for so I was I am good on that. I’ll be trusting in God and my faith that everything will be fine. So ladies this is the update.

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Posted at
Sending hugs and good results. Great work on that a1C!


Nekia • Jan 4, 2023
Thank you so much I really appreciate it.


Posted at
👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 great progress girl glad to hear that.


Nekia • Jan 3, 2023
Thank you Asia 💜had to keep you all updated