Pumping and latching issues


New mom here in need of some advice or encouragement. I delivered about a month early with an emergency c-section. Due to the medication I was on after, I didn’t get a chance to latch or pump right away and have been trying to catch up ever since. It’s been two weeks now and my milk is still lagging. I think I’m up to 10 ml combined and have been pumping every time she feeds so every 2-3 hours. I’ve latched occasionally but my breast feels pretty raw from all the pumping and my baby gets either sleepy or super frustrated when I try. I’m trying all the foods and drinks my lactation consultant recommended (oats, blueberries, orange juice…etc) but still find myself plateaued.

Feeling pretty inadequate and like I’m failing. How do I do this? I don’t feel like this schedule is sustainable for my mental health but I don’t know if I have a choice. Advice desperately needed.