Do you get fairly regular heart palpitations/flutters?


If so, how long have you been getting them? Do you notice that certain things trigger your palpitations? Have you had any tests done on your heart to see if the palpitations are benign?

I’ve been getting palpitations for probably 15 years. I can get up to 20 palpitations a day during really stressful and emotional times, and occasionally (few times a year) I’ll get a really big thump in my heart that lasts like 5 seconds and makes me have to cough. It’s kind of scary.

I had an EKG, stress test, and echo done last year and everything was seemingly fine. I had a SUPER high stress day last Saturday and started getting palpitations in the late afternoon. I probably got like 15 that day. They carried over to the next day when I probably got 20+. They seemed to clear by the third day but I got one really big thump as I was lying down to go to sleep. I called my cardiologist just to make sure it’s normal for the palpitations to be that frequent in one day, and he wants me to wear a Holter monitor or event monitor for a whole week to try to catch one on it. I really don’t want to wear it. I wore one for a week 15 years ago and they didn’t catch anything on it, so they said my palpitations are caused by anxiety. I know the same thing will happen this time.

Would love to hear others’ experiences with heart palpitations.

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