
Embarrassed to have ever been a registered republican. Can't even do the simple job of electing a speaker so they can get to work. When I was a republican I was proud of being a member of the party that worked and got things done and was fiscally responsible. Now all I see is political stunts, showmanship and wasting of my money as a tax payer for stunts and news stories. I am an independent now and hope one day I can register again as a republican but not when they can't work with each other let alone the other sides and people like Boebart and Gaetz are vocal leaders. Nope...this is not my party anymore. And I am sick of being called a RINO. I was a registered republican for decades until 2020. These Maga politicians are the rinos not those who have been Republicans and followed party ideals for years and years. Maga has been around since 2016 but yet I am the RINO for not agreeing with the new guard that has totally different ideals. Stopping work isn't working, it is throwing a tantrum and that is what it seems like many have done. I don't like many of the democrats either and they are just as problematic but who is in chambers agreed and ready to work and who isn't?? My husband wasn't a marine to have this clown show be representative of our democracy. It is a insult to those who fought for our country and want ro get things done. Reasonable minds can differ but some of these yahoos are beyond reason

**Have it on anon because last post I made some other conservatives on here basically stalked me to the point of having to reach out to admin and I would block then another would start...guessing fake 2nd account but not sure. They were going after me on all my post no matter the topic and commenting rude things about me being a "traitor fucking rino snowflake" among other things. If admin wants to move it to politics or whatever fine but there is a very agressuve group of Maga women on here I don't want stalking me again. I blocked, emailed and even changed my name to hide from them. I posted about losing my baby at 19 weeks in 2018 and 1 actually said they were glad so I didn't bring my spawn into the world.

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Posted at
I genuinely do not understand why anyone other than a rich white man with low empathy would vote Republican. They are not, and have never been fiscally responsible. Also, fill this off anon.


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My husband and I are taking bets with how many votes they will go up to before they elect someone


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Putin has been putting out propaganda for decades that "democracy doesn't work," "the system is broken," and "government is bad." And now there are elected Americans attempting to create a reality to fit the lies. Because despite the propaganda, we've actually had a very functional democracy. Democracy is a government of citizens, chosen by citizens. Our government, our democracy, IS us - literally. But the propaganda makes us forget. If our democracy is dysfunctional, then it is because we are dysfunctional; if our democracy is broken, then it is because we are broken. A democracy is not perfect. But if we turn our backs on democracy and refuse to participate, if instead we engage in political violence, or refuse to accept the result of our elections, if we become apathetic and no longer vote, or no longer have people run for office who genuinely intend to serve and guide our nation toward become a more perfect union, then we will no longer have a democracy.


Posted at
I'm not a republican but several family members are and my inlaws are very very republican and they are very unhappy with this. A few of them have expressed they wish a few Republicans would vot for the democrat just to show the Republicans that they have gone too far. I didn't think I would ever see a day when my sil would. day she hopes for a Democrat. My uncle just wants the govt to get to work so he said at this point just give it to the person who has won the most votes everytime no matter who it is. Then went on a military what I fought for rant with some back in my days thrown in...was a fun family video call for his wifes birthday lol.