Velamentous cord insertion and single umbilical artery

I went for anatomy scan today and my obgyn told me that I have single umbilical artery (SUA) and velamentous cord insertion(VCI). It’s confusing because the tech said that everything looks normal and expected but then again it should be the doctor who should interpret the results right? The tech said that baby is growing as expected rate, body parts arts complete. Nothing wrong with internal organs. Heart is beating fine and within normal range. Baby was also active. When we met with my doctor , he said that that baby is smaller than gestational age. It confuses me how the tech could have missed that something was wrong but like I said , she was no doctor. I’m not blaming anyone nor hard feelings to everyone. I’m just extremely sad and nervous because I have both and I don’t know my pregnancy prognosis right now. I know that this now puts me and the baby high risk.

But I’m still hoping that there was a mistake or my file got mixed up with someone else’s.

Anyone who’s experiencing SUA and VCI? What are your experiences.

Also. My chromosomal test/NIPT came back normal.
