Cheap Poop Stain Hack!!


I didn’t know where to post this but I was too excited I wanted to share! My son is exclusively breastfed and when he has a blowout on WHITE clothes it’s INSTANTLY stained. I’m sure you know the feeling lol. So I got online just see what was out there and I know hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are great for whiting clothes (and teeth!) and we didn’t have any hydrogen peroxide around but I use Arm and Hammer toothpaste (that has both hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in it) and took a toothbrush and went to work and it was literally like MAGIC! Just a little scrubbing and he stain was GONE! I even experimented with a stain AFTER it had been through the dryer and even though it took a little longer it still got it out!! Y’all probably know about this but it was new to me so hopefully it’ll help someone out there that didn’t know either!!