Are you doing something different this cycle in hopes of conceiving?

If so, please share what you are doing differently this cycle. It could be:

More sleep

More water

No smoking/drinking

Eating healthier

Clomid or other prescription medication

Fertility Yoga/ exercise

Preseed lubricator

Sex every day of fertile window

Sex every other day

Using OPKS

Tracking BBT to confirm ovulation

Vitex/Maca Root and other herbs

Let us know below. You may find someone who is trying the same thing as you ☺️

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Posted at
I know some people might scoff at this, but the month I conceived (Nov 22), I stopped doing everything. I stopped the prenatal vitamins, I stopped tracking symptoms and using OPKs. The only thing I did was take my temp. I think because I stopped with it all, I finally relaxed and my body said let’s do this


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Please give mucinex


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Seeing my doctor to find out why I haven’t conceived yet! 😣


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Yes I’m taking ovaboost,and also tracking ovulation with opk..


Posted at
Yes. I bought Wisdom of the Womb tea and have been drinking it for about a month, using OPKs again, more water, way less smoking, peppermint tea, and eating way healthier.


Posted at
Yes got an HSG done and had blood work everyday during fertile window to pinpoint ovulation directly🤞🏽🧡 had sex on O-2 , O-1 and Ovulation day. (We actually had sex everyday except O-3, we needed a break🤣)