Hyperemesis gravidarum Smokeing


Pregnancy has taken a toll on my mentally and physically & emotionally, I’m going to be 13 weeks pregnant in a few days and it’s been a roller coaster ! First baby and my partner has taken care of me and my needs but unfortunately with my pregnancy I can’t stand that he drinks or smokes the smell is horrififying for me I can’t stand it ! Mind you I used to smoke and drink; anyway recently I’ve asked my partner to stop for just a few months so I can be comfortable he doesn’t smoke near me or anything but the smell on his beard stay and his fingers that it irritates me so bad! I’ve asked multiple times to please stop for at least a few months but he get to upset and starts an argument saying that I want to control him on what to do … and it’s not like!! I feel like he really doesn’t care about my feelings on how I feel and how I can’t stand the smell … a few days I had an orientation and spoke with a nurse practitioner and she stated how second hand smoke can affect me and the baby and shared the information with him but still yet he managed to go out in the porch and still smoke 🙄 at this point I’m over exhausted I don’t know what to think anymore I’m over reacting I’m I asking for to much ??