Low LH levels than normal



We’re TTC for our second baby. My first time TTC was fairly easy and I’m very very grateful for that! I came off my pill and pretty much straight away fell into a predictive cycle with classic high peak LH before ovulation 2.0+). This time around my cycle is regular again however my LH seems to be much lower. I rarely get to 1.0 on my highest peak reading. This month I’m only getting 0.42 and I’m just unsure if this is “normal”. Aware the window for getting a peak reading can sometimes be hard to catch so it’s possible I’ve had higher LH without realising, but I would have expected the readings to be a bit higher? I only stopped breastfeeding my 20 month old last month and I’m wondering if that’s contributing to low LH? I’m also undergoing a lot of pressure at work and wondering if anyone else has found these factors have influenced lower LH reading? Is it still possible to get pregnant with low LH readings?