Help please


I had an ultrasound done 12/30 which was abdominal and showed just a small gestational sac that measured 5 weeks exactly, but the tech did say she thought it looked a little smaller than 5 weeks. I had cramping 01/06 that was pretty intense so I decided to go to the ER and they did a transvaginal ultrasound which also only showed a small gestational sac no yolk sac. They did not give me any measurements or really let me see the screen I just got a glance at the screen and the sac maybe looked more circular? and they just said I'm very early. Is it possible for everything to be okay and not see much difference in a week? Could I still be just too early to see anything? I'm just worried about another miscarriage. They did draw blood but could only tell me that it's higher than 2,000 no specific number. Here's a picture of my ultrasound on 12/30.