When does spotting occur if you have low progestrone?



When does spotting occur if you have low progestrone? I have always been regular my whole life but this past 8 months I have been spotting (dark brown for a couple of days) some cycles a week before my period about 6 dpo. Wondering if it is due to low progesterone as I am 36 years old. My luteal phase is about 13 days. Cycles-26 days. I usually ovulate around day 12-13.

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When I had low progesterone it was anywhere from a week before my period to 2 days before my period I would spot. If your concerned about low progesterone get your cycle day testing done you will need to get cycle day 3 and 7days past peak opk/7 days before your next period to confirm if you do have low progesterone.


LK 👼🌈💙 • Jan 7, 2023
It would start on 6 dpo sometimes other times it would start 2-3 days before my period. The colour would be red sometimes brown but most time it would look like what people class on here as implantation bleeding it would be light but only when I wipe too no need for pads. Then sometimes it’s clots also. Opks and cramps do not confirm your ovulating just that you had a surge in hormones your body can fail to ovulate when you get a surge to confirm ovulation you need to do bbt if you can


Tragickingdom • Jan 7, 2023
How long was your spotting for and what color if you don’t mind me asking? I usually get a veryy dark opk when I peak and I tend to cramp on ovulation day so I’m assuming I do ovulate.


LK 👼🌈💙 • Jan 7, 2023
No positive opk was only getting very close to positive but never a positive. That was my other symptoms. Sending you lots of luck 🍀