Hi all I’m 7 months post chemotherapy from a pregnancy related cancer I just want to know if this is normal for a period and looking for some advice please read🙏

Since having chemotherapy and not having periods whilst on it I’ve kind of forgot what a normal period looks like! But just wondering if this is why I’m maybe having stomach pains ?🤦🏻‍♀️

I usually have a 5 day period cycle and start off heavy the first 2 days but this time I’ve had the opposite and spotted the first night then woke up to a medium period not even that to be honest!!

I started my period on Tuesday 3rd January

This was my period on Wednesday 4th January which does not look normal and is not normal for me! (See below photos )

Why does it look like that clear with blood 😫😫

And the rest of the photos are from today !

First few photos are from what was on my pad but I put on a tissue so you can see it better sorry for the photos 😭 just worried as this is not my normal

What is this? Stringy looking thing

This is all the period I have had today is that