Successful VBAC Story


Miss Norah <a href="">Eve</a> came into the world on 1/5/33. I had an emergency c section in 2016 with my son and it was very traumatic for me. I wanted a different experience this time and to avoid surgery. My doctor approved me to do a VBAC.

I went into my 39 week check up planning on getting a membrane sweep. I felt off all day. My blood pressure was high so my midwife thought being induced would be a good idea since this was my second high blood pressure and could have been a sign my placenta was starting to fail.

I went over to the hospital at 3pm where they ended up checking me. I was 4cm, so she did a membrane sweep. I started having small and inconsistent contractions after that. At 7pm, they started me on a small drip of pitocin. Contractions were coming more regularly and then my water broke on it’s own. The contractions really ramped up immediately and I got an epidural. She was born at 11:13pm. It was such a calming and beautiful experience and exactly what I wanted from birth. So happy my baby is here.