


Did anyone have upper back pain that comes and goes and mild cramping, breasts that hurt super bad but went away and only are slightly tender, and found out they were pregnant?

I am not one to symptom spot! I have been having lightheadedness, dizziness, and mild cramps that come and go. Gas, nausea, and vomiting. Headaches on and off. Crying or being emotional. Heightened senses. Hunger on and off... spotting so extremely light (bright pink and red specks). Feeling warmth down there and having higher temps (not fevers). Slightly sore breasts. Veins in my breast that were blue and sticking but darker and more prominent now. I am either 13dpo or 12dpo! I haven't taken another test yet. I've had tests with faint lines before, but no BFP. I have been contemplating taking a test tomorrow...

Sometimes my cycle is 28 days, and other times 30 days. Today is cycle day 29, and ofc no AF or dark brown bleeding I get before AF. Just no signs of AF that I usually get. This is all so different than anything I've ever experienced. The cramps feel like gas cramps. That is the best I can explain it.