Is IVF My Only Option at 30 & Low AMH? 😔

Jessica • Jess💋

I’m 30 years old I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago. I do have one daughter she will be 3 in May, I did have to do four cycles with Letrozole to get pregnant with her & I didn’t think that was a big deal compared to what so many other women have had to endure to get their first pregnancy but my OB said that “we really shouldn’t have had to use the Letrozole to begin with”, So my body did not respond to the LET this time which is why my OB told me to go see a Fertility Specialist, I went to see one but He doesn’t seem too sold on the PCOS he says that I just look too young and healthy for that to be completely accurate. Anyways they have done Ultrasounds, HSG, Blood work and everything is completely normal he says, except for my AMH, My AMH was 0.36, I do not know what it was prior to getting pregnant with my daughter. He hinted that there was a bit of concern about my body attempting to go into Menopause too early AT 30! So his very first suggestion was of course <a href="">IVF</a>, but that’s just not the route I was hoping to go right away, I haven’t even tried any other methods yet and I feel like I would just be giving in to a $20k procedure that may or may not work… He said that I could try medications and TTC at home like I want, under close observation, or I could try <a href="">IUI</a>. So I do have three options but he was very quick to mention <a href="">IVF</a> with it being the highest cost and 65% positive outcome. And At Home TTC only being 6%-16% outcome. Has ANYONE ever gotten pregnant with the help of medication at home with an AMH of 0.36?? How much of a chance do I really have? And what should I do? I feel like I am running out of time at a fast pace the way the doctors talk and it’s very disheartening…