Are any moms deciding to stay home???


After going over finances with my husband we will just make enough to to pay bills with his pay. I am due to go back to work Jan 4th

(And I don't want to- and after daycare its not to economical)We would also be cutting out daycare for our 4yr old ( looking into our schools prek program for the kid interaction she needs).

I want to stay home with my children but I go back and forth just because I have never been one to rely on someone else to pay all the bills, I have been able to do it myself since I was 17! And the standard "house wife role" will be difficult, Lol

Any thoughts or advice from fellow moms who are also trying to find a way to stay home or moms who already do??

Please no rudeness about having already thought a out this before having more children and that kind of stuff.