pregnancy scare pls help


hi so maybe tmi but 2 months ago me and my bf messed around (didn't have sex but yk.. did "stuff") 2 weeks later I was late on my period and got tender breasts and 2-3 days later I got some bleeding, I was pretty heavy for a 2 days then 3 days I was super light (not normal for me) now I'm having the same thing but SUPER late on my period. I took 2 pregnancy tests about a week ago, both negative but I need to pee a lot and I have sore breasts but still no period! also during my possible ovulation period i was having lots of jelly like discharge, ik its normal but i was having more than usual. I don't know if I'm just psyching myself out to the point my period won't come or something because I have done that before but I can't help but worry. I haven't done ANYTHING with my bf for 2 months because I'm so scared.