Advice please

My son is almost 2 and he’s been a picky eater since he started solid foods. His go to food is pasta, pizza, garlic bread, ham, strawberries, string cheese, yogurts, peaches, crackers, and a few others. Even his favorite foods he sometimes refuses to eat a lot. He’ll take a few bites than refuse. He will eat throughout the day but not a big portion. I try introducing new foods. I try so many different things and he’s just a very picky eater. He weights around 25 pounds. He has his 2 year visit soon and I’m scared the doctor will say he’s underweight and hasn’t gained much weight since his last appt. Do they call cps over things like this? I truly try my best to give him good meals, snack and different things. I’m just nervous. I have no other friends or family to ask for help