SOS , I’m freaking out

So I had my period 13 days ago , lasted 4-5 days (less then normal) very heavy , I had sex on day 8 of my cycle & it’s now day 13 and I’m having very strong nausea’s feelings. Vomiting at smells and motion. And I had light bleeding for a few hours then brown discharge. the nausea constant and it doesn’t seem to subside and gets worse when I lay down. no appetite for the last three days except me wanting hot dogs tonight. Definitely fatigue and tired no bm’s at all since 2-3 days ago which is not normal I also went to the hospital 3 days ago and was given zolfran Can I be pregnant or is it not possible because I wasn’t ovulating yet.?

Sorry for tmi I’m just freaking out and want to give as much info so you to get your best thoughts.