I'm so upset...


Yesterday morning I got a negative test. Last night I got this positive. I was feeling bloated in lower stomach. I was spotting brown with a little red. I thought it was implantation. It was on and off all day.

Today I took a test it was a vfl fmu. It's test #2 on this picture. Then, later took another test with a faint line. That's test #3. I started bleeding more red.

I know the test are dry but I'm showing the pictures to tell all the information.

I just took a test now and it's darker.

I'm not sure what's going on. I'm bleeding but it's darker blood. Usually I have a brighter red. I'm not cramping. Just feeling bloated. I'm guessing it's a miscarriage. I would only be 4 weeks. I'm still having very sensitive boobs/nipples. I'm emotional today because I haven't got a positive on these test unless pregnant. I haven't had a positive test while bleeding.

Has this happened to anyone???? What should I do??? I know if it's a miscarriage a doctor can't do anything for me. Idk if it's even worth making a phone call to the gyno.