TTC Issues After Loss/Birth and Birth Control.

Hi Ladies,so sorry for the long post but please bare with me.I’m hoping someone else may have been in a similar position.So I’m nearly 39 years,of age.I had a MMC 2 years ago immediately followed by a successful pregnancy and have my one year old rainbow that I’m forever grateful for.

My issue is TTC #2.So when I had my baby(January 2022),my cycle returned in March,I received one shot of DEPO which was due to expire end of June however I had already decided I was not taking a second,a week or two prior to when it would have expired,I was shocked to discover I had positive pregnancy tests(5 months PP).Eventually my lines got lighter & I started to bleed so it was a very early loss.

After this I started on the pill I was on prior & took it June-September only as we had decided to start trying in October.

Well since then my cycles are completely off,my LH is continuously high,peak around CD9(IF I even peak),periods very strange and irregular,spotting brown/pink for 2 days prior to flow and spot last day,my lutheal phase has also decreased as a result,some months I will have 2 periods-For instance in December I had a period start of month and another 12 days later.January was a bit better(22 day cycle) but still not anywhere near normal.

I have spoken to my doctor about this & he stated not only am I postpartum/dealing with an early loss but also coming off BC so it’s understandable that it may be off for a bit but it’s coming 5 months & it’s beginning to really affect me.I’m so worried something is actually wrong & I may not be able to conceive again.

I may add,my pregnancy was not at all a smooth ride-I developed preeclampsia/Cholestasis/failed induction(37 Weeks)which resulted in an emergency c section & to top it all off I developed maternal sepsis after & went into septic shock,I very nearly died.

So I guess I’m wondering if anyone has any help/advice or guidance with this?Im on all my vitamins & additional supplements etc but I’m so very scared that I genuinely may not be able to conceive again.