Just another whining post


Just need to get it out.

I’m 36+4 with my 3rd.

I’ve had false labor for a couple weeks.

I’m nauseous.

My body is “clearing itself out”.

I have no appetite.

The pressure in my butt sucks.

Carpal tunnel sucks.

I hate feeling like I don’t have the energy to care for my 3 and 1 year old properly.

I have to have a repeat c section but it’s not scheduled for another 3 weeks.

I’m afraid if I go into labor before that, that I might not make it to the hospital because it’s over an hour away.

I’m nervous that something is gonna go wrong during the delivery.

I’m scared to heal from another c section with toddlers to take care of.

I’m scared of PPA.

Why does the end of pregnancy feel like an eternity?