Looking for Advice/Tips.

I’m aware everyone is Definitely and you have to be patient sometimes but I’m too anxious of a person. My period is late 5 days now, I weigh 170 even though last I checked, I was 156 (few months ago), I’ve been horribly nauseous 2 days with pelvic cramps, lost my appetite but pregnancy test was negative. I was very energized for a week, it died down, all I did was sleep for days and now I’m back motivated/energized. Not to mention my boyfriend threw up twice at work out the blue and I keep getting a toothache. There has been no implantation bleeding and me and my boyfriend still continue to have sex almost everyday because I’ve been horny. I know patience is key but is there any other ways to find out at home?

Should I still be waiting for my period or my HCG hasn’t risen enough.