Uh oh.

So on Dec. 22 I woke up with my pants + undies completely off and my shirt pulled halfway up. I knew I was assaulted in my sleep, I had taken melatonin the night before which knocked me out. The guy that SA me lives in my house w/ me and its terrifying. He acts weird around me and flirts w/ me 24/7. I've caught him staring at me changing through a Crack in my room door etc. My last period was Dec. 9 and I've missed all my periods past that. My most recent period was supposed to be 3 days ago and I'm VERY regular. I've had every symptom of pregnancy in the world LOL. I had morning sickness for 3 days straight, My breasts have significantly grown and my stomach is getting a bit bigger (not a whole lot) I've had cravings and food aversions. My sleep schedule is messed up. I though these were all period symptoms because they're similar or maybe it's just stress or something affecting my period. But knowing I was raped and that my body is like clockwork, idk. Should I take a test? Am I being irrational?

(Ps. I'm a heavy sleeper so me taking melatonin made me even more sleepy. I wasn't gonna wake up for shit)