TTC baby#2 with PCOS


We have been trying naturally for Baby#2 for months now… with no luck. We’ve gotten negative after negative after negative. After this week being full of more negatives we sat down tonight with the conclusion that we will need help again. So here I am crying on the bathroom floor.

We will be calling the clinic soon and that thought has triggered every part of my infertility ptsd. It took 3+ years and 3 IUIs. Thousands of dollars in medicine and procedures to conceive our daughter. Don’t get me wrong, I am ready to grow our family and so very excited about this next chapter. But I am so scared of all the possible heart breaks again.

Does anyone know if <a href="">IUI</a> success rates go up after having one baby through <a href="">IUI</a> already?… my daughter is 15 months.