Sleep Regression Top Tips


What are your top tips for getting through a sleep regression? Our 4m old used to sleep really well. Going down around 7-7.30pm, dream feed around 10.30pm, then waking between 2-4am for a feed and has been doing this routine since 6 weeks (obviously feeds changed depending on his needs) 

These past few weeks he's been waking more. First it started as babbling, we gave him his dummy and he went back off. Now he seems to want to be held/rocked more. I don't think it helps that we have to keep him upright after his feeds because of reflux. 

We are playing more during the day, capping day naps to no more than 2.5 hrs and making sure he's awake enough between his last nap and bedtime. We also tried making sure he had his calories during the day but this just seemed to trigger his reflux more. 

Is there anything you've done thats helped? Either helped baby sleep better or helped you. 

I'm a very tired first time mummy so any advise would be great. Thank you 😊