Skin care recommendations


I’m posting this on Glow bc all I ever see is an outpour of love and support for one another. It is bc of that that I feel comfortable posting about a subject that is sensitive to me.

For context, I am a 37-year-old wife and mother of four. My children are 15, 14, and 5, and I homeschool them. I recently started my self-care journey after battling severe body dysmorphia brought on by sudden and mental and physical changes that began in 2017 when I was postpartum after delivering my last baby via c-section and tubal ligation. According to my BMI, I am obese, I’m not very active, and as bad as I want to blame it on my busy life, I can’t blame anyone but myself. My diet is poor, but not in the sense of what that term typically means. I only eat once a day. I have inattentive ADHD and take 40 mg of Adderall daily, so I’m usually not hungry and only eat to appease my husband and children, who worry about me not eating. I also have moderate plaque psoriasis that’s thankfully contained only to my arms and legs.

This post addresses 1. the white “peach fuzz” that I’ve always had a little of, but since 2017 it has become more of a winter coat-like fuzz, some of which is dark. 2. the still very visible hyperpigmentation from my last pregnancy. 3. The strange kind of veiny looking red splotches that I don’t know when or where they came from. And 4. The abundant tiny wrinkles that I can only chalk up to having to squint to see my whole life, even with glasses bc as it turns out I have a progressive eye disease, but it wasn’t diagnosed until 2020.

Can anyone recommend products, remedies, or other solutions that might be able to help with any of this? I’m not looking for makeup recommendations, but I will appreciate them nonetheless. I’ve tried as much color correcting and coverage makeup as my family of 6 budget will allow, and it always looks extremely caked on and just plain hideous.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. It’s been hard having to bring myself to talk about my issues out loud, but it feels good to do it when I am not fearful of being chastised, criticized, or laughed at. Wishing you all the best. Thanks again