

So my boyfriend and I have been TTC for about a year now and we’ve had 3 miscarriages in a 6 month span. I know that it can take a while to have a successful pregnancy. And I’ve been taking prenatals and folate and CoQ10 and the pink stork gummies. We are doing everything so far that I know how to do to get pregnant with all the medication and stuff and then I’m also tracking everything and using ovulation tests and stuff and we try to BD a lot on my fertile week. But we just found out that my grandma (one of the last of my grandparents) has triple negative breast cancer and has to start chemo next week. I can’t even think about my children not meeting her and knowing her so I want even more now than ever to get pregnant as soon as possible. So pretty much I just want to know if there is any advice anyone can give me on things to do that helped you to actually get pregnant. I’m honestly desperate at this point and feel very defeated already in this TTC journey.