Boss is a nightmare


My boss came up to me pissed because a client of mine and a client of the store I work at as well was looking for a baker sheet for a horse. The store didn’t have one so I texted her my number again and said she can borrow mine. Boss was pissed out of her mind I did that🤦🏻‍♀️

Next she thinks I’m lazy and a piece of shit and only do things when I’m being asked which makes me so sad because I work my ass of at this store and trying to start my business up (which she knows about)

She then preceded to get even more pissed because Tuesday I had to put my moms dog down. It the Friday before my grandma passed away so my mom was dealing with a lot in a weekend time span and I lost my GMA. Well I texted me boss I’d like to come but I’m not sure I’m going to make it.

Well she’s says I never texted my coworker (there’s only 2 of us) and yes I did text her.

And that it doesn’t take all day to put a damn dog down. This is bullshit.

I said well there’s a lot going on my grandma just passed and she said people die everyday but you still have to be at work and deal with it. No other employee will care (my moms boss”s all brought us meals and flowers that Friday to make sure we were okay and didn’t have to think about it). So BS

She’s like I should fire you and you’re a piece of work etc.. you’re not going to find any other job making this full time.

Just wow. Anyone that knows me and my past employers know I work my ass off and give a shit about the company I work for.

I told her I’m happy to give my two week notice but the more I think about it the more I want to go in tomorrow and just drop off my keys and say sorry I deserve better??

What do i do??