Letrozole/clomid with trigger shot success (no IUI)

F • Mama to two girls, 2019 & 2024 #IUIsuccess

Hi everyone, I just had my first time intercourse cycle with letrozole and trigger shot. Currently taking medication to thicken my lining too. I was wondering what your success rates were with this treatment. I think I ovulate on my own already (I get a peak each month) but I'm giving this a go anyway before moving on to an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> possibly this summer. I was wondering how many months this is worth trying for before I move on to something else.

Thanks in advance for your responses ❤️ and I'm wishing that all you ladies who are currently trying get that BFP soon that you're waiting and hoping for

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