Does my son have a UTI?


My son is 5 years old and on the autism spectrum. He is semi verbal but not conversational yet. He can ask for things he wants with words but isn’t ready to answer questions yet. Today I noticed that he would only pee a little bit at a time and go back to pee a few minutes later instead of just a long one time pee. Then I saw that he had a little bit of blood and dried pee in the front of one of his underwear. This concerned me a lot. Considering he goes to preschool 4 days a week and my first worry was abuse of some kind. I find that unlikely though and think it’s more likely an infection. He is intact and touches himself A LOT. Typical boy. His hands aren’t always the cleanest though we try to wash them throughout the day. Baths are a huge struggle too so it doesn’t get washed thoroughly as often as it should.

He also has been having more accidents than usual this past week which has been unusual.

I’m gonna call his doctor tomorrow but in the mean time I got this test from Walmart. How do you read this? The tip strip is pink not purple like the test says it should be if it’s positive. But it’s not yellow for negative either.

Does he have a UTI according to this? Thank you!