symptoms gone after 6dp5dt?



Hi! First transfer… I’ve had cramping and overall discomfort since day 1 after transfer, and I’m now 6dp5dt and all of that is gone, I don’t feel a thing, but my boobs are starting to get a little sore.

However, this is exactly what’s happened on every other (failed) cycle before this, <a href="">IUI</a>, a few natural cycles before this, etc. basically since the day after ovulation, I feel terrible for a week, then nothing, then my boobs hurt, then my period comes.

Is it possible that I’m following that same pattern even while taking PIO and endometrin and Estrace? I feel like I’m definitely out because this pattern is familiar :(

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I never really felt anything in my TWW for any of my transfers and I got pregnant 2/4, 1 live birth. I felt pretty normal until about 18-20 weeks other than some bloating. Could be that you&#x27;re just acclimating to the meds.