Just wondering ..

I know this could be PMS as well but my boobs started hurting really bad approximately 3 days ago. Which is 9 days before af. Today I am 9dpo. I always get sore breast before af comes but only a few days before. I’m still getting negative test with first response. So I was wondering.. did any of you guys have this happen and finally get a positive test days after sore breast/pregnancy symptoms?

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Pregnancy sore is different to me…like tingly around nipples especially, and I notice veins become pronounced. With my first pregnancy I didn’t test positive til day of missed period! And I tested every day prior. My hcg at the start of that was low but she was a healthy girl born in 2020 :)


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Sore breasts can be PMS or pregnancy related. No way to tell. I'd simply wait for my period to be late and then would test if it doesn't actually come on the day it is due. And if that test is negative or just not a clear response then I wait 1 week and if my period is still late then I re-test and usually by then I'd have a clear pregnant result when testing (if pregnant). It can be anything really so I suggest just to wait and see if your period starts. All the best to you!!