Symptoms, not sure

So I had sex on my 10th day of my cycle(haven't had any sex since then) and my S/O made sure to pull out. I wasn't worried until he brought it up a couple of days ago and now I'm not so sure.

I'm 7dpo rn, and yesterday just my nipples were crazy sensitive. I wasn't sure if it was the cold or not and I even took a shower to see if they would stop hurting if it was bc of the cold and for the moment they did stop.

Even now they don't hurt anymore, so I'm convinced it was just the cold bc I've gotten into warmer clothes. Also had some cramping but it felt like period cramps rather than dull cramps. My period isn't due for another week and a day. Also been kinda nauseated at the thought of being pregnant so it might just be my anxiety but I'm not too sure. Help?